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"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new"

Socrates’ message may be over 2000 years old, but it is no less relevant – leaning into change is the key to success for all organisations and in today’s world, technological advances have increased the pace of change.

Global events such as the Covid 19 pandemic, new wars and conflicts and climate change impacts have also increased the risk picture.

It is the role of Government to handle these externalities, and its response is often to introduce policies and regulatory controls to ‘manage’ the issues. Inevitably this change will affect business, and other organisations, with the real likelihood of increasing costs and reducing opportunities.

In the UK, the scale of policy making activity is huge. Over the last year government published over 2000 publicly accessible policy papers, consultations or calls for evidence – very few of them will hit the headlines. These publications are aimed at setting out new policy positions, clarifying positions, signalling that change is coming and seeking input on early thinking.

By actively engaging in the policy making process, it is possible to challenge and shape Government thinking. Regulatory constraints are not inevitable if organisations take the time to directly involve themselves in how they are designed. And by understanding the future trajectories on regulation businesses, and other organisations, can plan ahead and adapt their own strategies and business operations to avoid unexpected costly requirements.

european parliament conference room
business people in a meeting

At The Policy Key we have over 20 years’ experience of developing and formulating policy at senior levels of government, working closely in partnership with industry, regulators, trade organisations academia and NGOs. We can help organisations, engage constructively in the policy making process and prepare for change.

  • We assist leaders in engaging with the government’s policy formulation and development processes at an early stage to deliver constructive outcomes for everyone.

  • We work with leaders to assist them in understanding the impact of recent or forthcoming Government policies or regulations and to help them adapt and prepare for change across the short, medium and long term.

  • We assist organisations with their own policy and strategy development, drawing on two decades’ worth of experience of making government policy.


The transition to net zero will mean unprecedented change to the energy landscape in just a few years.

We have recent experience of working at senior levels of government, including with Ministers on energy policy making and horizon planning over the short, medium and long term.


In our ever more interconnected world, cyber security is critical to protect against attacks that could cripple business operations.

Our experience includes a leading role in the creation of the current UK Governmental cyber frameworks and regulations.