cyber strategy global business

In our ever more interconnected world, cyber security - the protection of our systems and devices from malevolent attacks - is critical to the prosperity and effective operation of businesses, and other organisations.

A recent PWC survey of CEO’s found that more than three quarters of businesses are planning to deploy technology for commercial advantage through automation and use of Artificial Intelligence. But the Government’s Joint Committee on National Security Strategy has identified that the UK is one of the world’s most cyber attacked nations and could fall victim to a ‘catastrophic ransomware attack’ bringing services to a standstill.

Despite this real and immediate existential risk only 49% of medium businesses, 68% of large businesses and 36% of high-income charities have a formal cyber security strategy in place.

Consequently, the Government is looking to expand the reach of cyber security regulation and guidance. This mirrors action being taken in other countries, such as the US and across the EU. Failure to act represents a potentially costly burden to businesses and other organisations.

At The Policy Key we have experience in leading the creation of the current governmental cyber frameworks and regulations and compliance functions. We have built government – industry partnerships aimed at increasing cyber resilience across several critical sectors.

We work at Board and Senior Executive level to help leaders to understand the current and future regulatory picture and how to engage in governmental thinking on this issue; take stock of their current cyber risk picture and develop cyber security strategies with future proofing built in.

Our services include:

  • Senior leadership briefings on Government cyber strategy and the potential regulatory impacts. This could include Board-level crisis response training.

  • Support with development of an effective cyber security strategy, using a structured approach that achieves alignment with Government thinking and regulatory approaches.

  • Health checks of any current Cyber Security strategies.

  • Design of an organisational communication strategy to embed good cyber behaviours across the workforce.

cyber strategy colleagues reviewing screen


In response to global threats and an ever changing world the scale of government policy making is huge.

We have over 20 years’ experience of formulating policy at senior levels of government working in partnership with a range of organisations.


The transition to net zero will mean unprecedented change to the energy landscape in just a few years.

We have recent experience of working at senior levels of government, including with Ministers on energy policy making and horizon planning over the short, medium and long term.